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Power Up Topic Plan with Computer Science, Chronology, and Writing Tasks

Power Up Topic Plan with Computer Science, Chronology, and Writing Tasks

This BUNDLE brings together different SIX learning outcomes from the shop related to video games and video game controllers: * DESIGN A VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER USING MAKEYMAKEY * WRITING AN INFORMATION TEXT ABOUT MAKEYMAKEY * EXPLANATION TEXT ABOUT CHANGES IN VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS * DESIGN YOUR OWN VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS * DESIGN YOUR OWN VIDEO GAME ON SCRATCH * NARRATIVE WRITING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES The download is a zip file of the different individual packs, each with digital files for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw.
Light Investigation: Design and Make a Light Maze

Light Investigation: Design and Make a Light Maze

*Updated with new graphics I have used this project with different classes and in different ways. With more able cohorts, the pitch can be adjusted with different parameters on the designs (eg: no adhesives, instead researching different ways to attach boards with latches and folds vs. using tape and glue guns; setting rules for the height of the walls of the maze to use measurement in a meaningful way; only allowing a certain length of board that needs to be cut, etc). Our Year groups used this as an alternative to making periscopes, as it reinforces the same Science objectives about light and the way it travels. In my experience, the children have enjoyed this project more because they’re more in control of the design. A digital copy of the file for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is available by following the link provided with download.
The Magic Box Poetry Mini-Unit

The Magic Box Poetry Mini-Unit

**Aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum of England Included are the resources to follow a sequence of sessions where they develop their own ideas before applying them to the style of the model poem. Children are introduced to the poem and decide what they would include in their own magic box. After reviewing poetic devices, children return to their ideas and include poetic devices to make them stronger before drafting their own poems. As a maths and arts link, children can then design and make the nets of their magic boxes before building them into their boxes. Children can then add items and illustrations to their boxes representing the different ideas from their poems. Digital copy provided with download.
Create a Horror Movie Trailer Using Shadow

Create a Horror Movie Trailer Using Shadow

*Updated with new graphics To introduce this Learning Outcome, we took the children outside with different materials to make shadow art. Some were given challenges, and some were left to explore. Children are then exposed to how shadow is moved to create fear in horror films before being challenged to design a movie trailer of their own. We used iMovie’s Trailer option, but the same project could be done with a variety of different software options. At the end, we invited parents in to school and served popcorn as we all watched the horror trailers made by the children in the year group. A digital copy of the outcome for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is available by following the link provided with download.
Lights, Camera, Action!: Cinema and Shadow

Lights, Camera, Action!: Cinema and Shadow

*Updated with new graphics This resource has been planned for a 6-week Half-Term. It connects the curriculums for Design Technology, Science, Art, English, and History. Children investigate light and how it travels while also studying the eye and the history of cinema, with a focus on special effects. A zip file with PDF units and links to digital files for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is available with download.
Ancient Benin Study: Design the Head of an Oba

Ancient Benin Study: Design the Head of an Oba

This resource is meant to be used by children in Key Stage 2 (English objectives pitched to Years 5 and 6) to investigate the history and significance of the commemorative heads made to honour the Oba of Ancient Benin. Children will first read about the heads through differentiated articles, then investigate the symbolism of different commemorative heads. They will then design their own commemorative head before carving it out of a bar of soap and evaluating their design. Lastly, children will write an explanation text about their commemorative head. Sequence of Sessions: Research Ancient Benin Investigating different examples of art commissioned by Obas of Ancient Benin Investigating the significance of animals in commemorative heads of Ancient Benin Obas Design own Oba head Carve own Oba head Evaluate own Oba head Features of an Explanation Text Write an Explanation Text There is also a digital file included for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw.
Ancient Kingdom of Benin Unit Plan

Ancient Kingdom of Benin Unit Plan

This resource is meant to be used by children in Key Stage 2 (English objectives pitched to Years 5 and 6) related to the Ancient Kingdom of Benin. Children will first learn about the art that has made the study of the kingdom significant, as well as the removal of the art by the British forces in 1897 when they annexed the kingdom by force. Children will have to think critically about the art and who has rights to it, before writing a persuasive text that either argues that the British Museum should be able to retain the art, or that the government of Nigeria should be able to have the art back. Sequence of Sessions: - About and location of Ancient Benin - Different examples of art from Ancient Benin - Use timeline to show changes in Benin trading before and after meeting different merchants from Europe - Understand the events of the annexation of the Kingdom of Benin and its art - Use formal language to plan a persuasive writing piece - Incorporate formal language into writing frame for or against returning the art A digital file for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is available by following the link provided with download.
Ancient Benin Study: Create a Thumb Piano

Ancient Benin Study: Create a Thumb Piano

This resource is meant to be used by children in Key Stage 2 (English objectives pitched to Years 5 and 6) to investigate instruments used by traditional societies in West Africa. After listening to music and investigating different instruments used and how they are designed and used, children will design their own thumb piano (mbira) before making it and evaluating it. Alternatively, after researching different instruments from West Africa, children can choose to make a different one instead of a thumb piano. The design, make, and evaluate sheets have been made as generic as possible to allow for this. A digital copy for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw is provided with download.
Castaway Topic Unit Plan (5 Weeks)

Castaway Topic Unit Plan (5 Weeks)

This resource has been designed to be done alongside Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, but can also be done independently of the novel study. Children will design survival inventions to withstand the environment of a remote island after a shipwreck before studying the organisms on the island by creating a field guide. There are also opportunities for narrative and non-fiction writing. Included Outcomes (also sold separately and in paired bundles): Evaluate a survival invention Explanation text of a survival invention Create a field guide for island organisms Information text about an island organism Narrative writing about being stranded **Link also included to digital file for editing and sharing on learning platforms such as Google Classroom and Seesaw.
Survival Invention Explanation Text

Survival Invention Explanation Text

This resource has been designed to be done alongside Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, but can also be done independently of the novel study. Children will read about different survival inventions before writing an explanation text about how they work. Alternatively, children can design, make and evaluate their own survival invention before explaining how it works (link to that learning outcome by searching Create a Survival Invention STEAM). What’s Included: - Curriculum Links - Handouts **Link also included to digital file for editing and sharing on learning platforms such as Google Classroom and Seesaw.
Mission to Mars: Design a Mission Badge (e-Textile)

Mission to Mars: Design a Mission Badge (e-Textile)

**Updated with new graphics This 21-page resource has been designed as an introduction to a study of a Mission to Mars. Children will research different mission badges before designing, making, and evaluating their own. This Outcome uses Lilypad e-textiles, but the same curriculum objectives can be covered with the use of littleBits, circuit stickers (Chibitronics) or with twinkle lights that have been cut and joined to copper tape and powered with a low-voltage battery. Digital resources for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw available with download.
Working Scientifically with Crayons for Years 3 & 4 - STEAM Unit

Working Scientifically with Crayons for Years 3 & 4 - STEAM Unit

Including curriculum from Key Stage 2, this pack has children participate in different Design and Technology activities with working scientifically related to designing, making, and evaluating their own crayons and packaging. This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, and editable rubrics to support with the learning process. A link to a digital file for editing and sharing on Google Classroom or Seesaw is available with purchase. --------------- You might also like: Working Scientifically I can Statements for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with Energy Bites for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with Cookies for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with MakeyMakey in Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with littleBits for Years 3 and 4
Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 1 & 2

Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 1 & 2

Including objectives from Key Stage 1, this pack has children participate in different Design and Technology activities with working Scientifically related to designing, making and evaluating their own slime. Base slime recipes are provided - the slime can be made ahead of time for the children to evaluate, or the children can participate in the recipes to reinforce their understanding of fractions (halves). A link to a digital file for editing and sharing on Google Classroom or Seesaw is available with download. ---------------- You might also like: Working Scientifically I can Statements for Years 1 & 2 Working Scientifically with Crayons for Years 1 & 2 - STEAM Unit
Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 3 & 4

Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 3 & 4

Including objectives from Lower Key Stage 2, this pack has children participate in different Design and Technology activities with working Scientifically related to designing, making and evaluating their own slime. Base slime recipes are provided - the slime can be made ahead of time for the children to evaluate, or the children can participate in the recipes to reinforce their understanding of fractions (halves). A link to a digital file for editing and sharing on Google Classroom or Seesaw is available with download. -------------- You might also like: Working Scientifically I can Statements for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with littleBits for Years 3 and 4 Working Scientifically with MakeyMakey in Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with Cookies for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with Energy Bites for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with Crayons for Years 3 & 4 - STEAM Unit
Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING

Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING

UPDATED with new graphics and HANDS-ON application of ratio for DEEPER LEARNING. This resource has been made using the ratio and proportion objectives for Year 6 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Solve problems involving relative sizes of two quantities where missing values can be found by using integer multiplication and division facts Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages (of measures, and such as 15% of 360) and the use of percentages for comparison Solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known or can be found Solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions and multiples ADDITIONALLY there is a HANDS-ON RATIO & PROPORTION WITH FOOD for children to apply their understanding in context with cookies, pancakes, and pizza dough. The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks. ----------------- You might also like: Year 6 Maths: Number and Place Value Year 6 Maths: Operations Year 6 Maths: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Year 6 Maths: Algebra Year 6 Maths BUNDLE
Vikings: Battle Modifications with littleBits

Vikings: Battle Modifications with littleBits

Children will look at the history of Viking warfare and weapons during their invasion of the UK. Children will then design their own defence or weapon modification with littleBits based on a Viking design. In the past, I have introduced this lesson dressed as a Monk at Lindisfarne with the light off and candles lit. I play audio in the background of Monks singing before acting frightened at the arrival of Vikings coming ashore. This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, and editable rubrics to support with the learning process. Lessons and objectives are aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum of England. A digital copy for editing and sharing on digital platforms is available with download.
Vikings: Design a T-Shirt & Explanation Text

Vikings: Design a T-Shirt & Explanation Text

Children will look at different symbols significant to the Vikings and will design a tshirt including the symbols. They will then write an explanation text that describes the different symbols included, as well as the reasons for the design choices. In the past, this unit has worked really well at the end of a Viking study, where the children can show off what they’ve learned. This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, and editable rubrics to support with the learning process. Lessons and objectives are aligned with objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England. A digital copy for editing and sharing on digital platforms is available with download.
A Skinful of Shadows Novel Study + STEAM BUNDLE

A Skinful of Shadows Novel Study + STEAM BUNDLE

This resource is designed to be used during Reading Workshop and is to be used with A Skinful of Shadows by Frances Hardinge. It bundles A Skinful of Shadows Novel Study with a STEAM pack about designing and making a horror movie trailer using light and shadow. Updated for deeper learning with additional tasks for character analysis, literary motifs, themes, and extracts from the text. ABOUT THE NOVEL: A Skinful of Shadows is a dark YA historical fantasy set in the early part of the English Civil War. Makepeace is an illegitimate daughter of the aristocratic Fellmotte family, and as such, she shares their unique hereditary gift: the capacity to be possessed by ghosts. Reluctant to accept her appointed destiny as vessel for a coterie of her ancestors, she escapes. As she flees the pursuing Fellmottes across war-torn England, she accumulates a motley crew of her own allies, including outcasts, misfits, criminals, and one extremely angry dead bear. ABOUT THE RESOURCE: Designed in alignment with the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s reading objectives for Year 6, the pack includes: Background information on the historical context (English Civil War), Chapter Summaries, Comprehension Questions, Digging Deeper Opportunities (includes character studies and plot studies), Creative Writing Tasks, Non-Fiction Tasks related to content of the novel (Puritans, King Charles, Lambeth Palace, Traitor’s Gate, witchcraft), and a STEAM enrichment activity where children investigate, design, make, and evaluate their own books according to Key Stage 2 Design Technology and Science objectives. Resource is provided as a PDF but a digital copy of the pack is available for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw available with download. You might also like: <a title=“Francis Hardinge Novel Study BUNDLE (The Lie Tree & A Skinful of Shadows)” href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/francis-hardinge-novel-study-bundle-the-lie-tree-and-a-skinful-of-shadows-11853358”>Francis Hardinge Novel Study BUNDLE (The Lie Tree & A Skinful of Shadows)</a>
Survival Invention BUNDLE (STEAM with Explanation Text)

Survival Invention BUNDLE (STEAM with Explanation Text)

This 66-page resource has been designed to use alongside Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, but can also be done independently of the novel study. Children will read about different survival inventions before building one and writing an explanation text about how they work. Alternatively, children can design, make, and evaluate their own survival invention before explaining how it works. The pack includes different graphic organisers, resources for lower ability pupils, as well as lesson plans and rubrics. Lessons and objectives are aligned with objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England and has links to the Common Core. Digital copies of the files for editing and sharing on digital platforms are available with download.
Beyond the Bright Sea Novel Study + STEAM BUNDLE

Beyond the Bright Sea Novel Study + STEAM BUNDLE

This resource is designed to be used during Reading Workshop and is to be used with Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk. It bundles Beyond the Bright Sea Novel Study with a STEAM pack where children create the foods mentioned in the novel. Updated to include additional activities for the literature portion of the novel study ABOUT THE NOVEL: The moving story of an orphan, determined to know her own history, who discovers the true meaning of family. Twelve-year-old Crow has lived her entire life on a tiny, isolated piece of the starkly beautiful Elizabeth Islands in Massachusetts. Abandoned and set adrift in a small boat when she was just hours old, Crow’s only companions are Osh, the man who rescued and raised her, and Miss Maggie, their fierce and affectionate neighbor across the sandbar. Crow has always been curious about the world around her, but it isn’t until the night a mysterious fire appears across the water that the unspoken question of her own history forms in her heart. Soon, an unstoppable chain of events is triggered, leading Crow down a path of discovery and danger. Vivid and heart-wrenching, Lauren Wolk’s Beyond the Bright Sea is a gorgeously crafted and tensely paced tale that explores questions of identity, belonging, and the true meaning of family. ABOUT THE RESOURCE: Designed in alignment with the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s reading objectives for Year 6, the pack includes:** Chapter Summaries, Comprehension Questions, Digging Deeper Opportunities** (includes character studies and plot studies), **Creative Writing Tasks, Non-Fiction Tasks **related to content of the novel (tides, crows, Captain Kidd, starfish, dolphins, clams, leprosy, nor’easter), and a STEAM Extension with food technology (vegetable soup, rabbit stew, breads (plain, molasses, cornbread), butter (plain, apple), beef jerky, clam chowder, gingersnaps, mussels, tea biscuits, lobster cakes, spice cake, flapjacks). Resource is provided as a PDF but a digital copy of the pack is available for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw available with download.